What’s a Good Day?

The good life! Sandra Oldfield provides a peek into the day of a mom, wife, winemaker, viticulturist, etc Living life fully! @SandraOldfield

Oldfield's Wanderings

Been so long since I’ve blogged but I’ve given up the guilt many year ago, so onward and upward.  Today I had a good day.   What’s a good day for me?  Well, I can tell you, days like this don’t happen often for me so I thought I’d blog about it.

  1. 7:00 AM Drove to the back of our vineyard to choose a Gewürztraminer vine for #Gewsday (a weekly chronicle of one vine on our property in 2013) with my 8YO daughter.  She was excited to pick the vine and we settled for Vine 5, Row 15 of GT-1 Block on our home vineyard at Tinhorn Creek. Good way to start.
  2. 7:50 AM 8YO safely on the bus for grade 3
  3. 8:00 AM Gave a safety orientation to a new cellar employee–a great new addition to our winery and getting off on the right foot.  All good still.
  4. 9:00-11:00…

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